Andrew was brilliant at answering any questions and the notes were brilliant, especially the photos with the arrows on the X-rays as this really helped to clarify things. The course... read more →
My knowledge of anatomy within radiographic interpretation was far more limited than I realised! This course helped me to refresh my knowledge and tackle the clinical cases later on with... read more →
Really enjoyed this course, lung patterns make much, much more sense, I am certainly now equipped with a more sensible and informed approach to interpreting thoracic X-rays and feel much... read more →
I found this course very useful, lung patterns are always confusing but Andrew explained how to assess lungs in thoracic X-rays brilliantly. Very interesting course that covers the basics of... read more →
Another excellent course by VetCPD that's increased my knowledge and confidence in an area that can be directly applied to first opinion practice. Thanks again!
Well organised and informative course that has a huge place in general practice ,giving the non specialist improved skills